About Us

About Us

Welcome to ConsolsTech, where innovation meets excellence in digital solutions. We are a leading provider of comprehensive web development, mobile application development, digital marketing, and SEO services. Our passion lies in crafting cutting-edge solutions that empower businesses to thrive in the dynamic digital landscape.

At ConsolsTech, we understand that the online presence of any business is crucial for its success in today's competitive market. Therefore, we are committed to delivering bespoke digital solutions tailored to meet the unique needs and objectives of each client. Whether you are a startup, SME, or a large enterprise, we have the expertise and experience to elevate your online presence and drive tangible results.


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  • Dedicated Team
  • Best Advisors
  • Network Solutions
  • 24/7 Supports
  • Quick Turnaround
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Meet Our Teams

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Conrad Omwenga

Conrad Omwenga

Programmer, IT conrad@consolstech.co.ke +254712315165
Fadhili Ephraim

Fadhili Ephraim

Ui/Ux Designer, IT example@mail.com
Bildad Misiko

Bildad Misiko

Data Scientist, IT billmisiko@gmail.com +254 704 422933

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